Pen widths
Standard Pen Settings
Consistent Plot Styles are fundemental to any CAD or BIM standard to ensure consistent output and these require specific pen widths.
The Pen widths are based on the ISO Penwidths which is UK industry standard and anybody who started their drafting career on the drawing board will instantly recognise these pen widths.
In order to mpve the drawing board standard to an electronic standard the colors brown (0.50) and orange(1.0) which don’t exist in the CAD 1-9 colour range have been changed to colour 4 cyan (0.50 and colour 8 grey (1.0).
BIMuks plot style used the above pen weights for CAD colours 1 to 9. Then the following matrix is used for CAD colours 10 to 250. Colours ending in 0 (10,20,30,40 etc. = 0.18 pen width).
The matrix follows the North American Tri services standard as follows:-
0 = 0.18, 5 = 0.50,
1 = 0.25, 6 = 1.40,
2 = 0.35, 7 = Object Lineweight
3 = 0.50, 8 = Object Lineweight
4 = 0.70, 9 = 2.00