Title Blocks
Each drawing or model should include standardised drawing title blocks or model file splash screens visible when first opening a file. This will ensure that the appropriate meta data is bavailable, that the information has been verified and that the defined procedures have been undertaken. It also assists in data transmission between solutions and the standardisation of information headers as set out in ISO 7200 Technical product documentation – Data fields in title blocks and document headers .
The requirements for data fields in title blocks and headers (ISO 7200:2004) precedes the requirements within BIM standards. Identified as a major cause of waste in AEC is the time spent looking for the current, most relevant information and identifying what it can be used for. Therefore, models and documents that have been issued by an authoring team shall aid the authentication of the current documentation, its relevance and include the following as Data fields to aid in file usage and identification both within and outside of the CDE environment:
Project Information including:
- Authoring Organisation Name and Address; *
- Authoring Organisation Project Number;
- Client Name and Address; *
- Project Name and Address;
- Project Phase;
- Land Registration;
- Project Units;
- Project Global Positioning;
- Project Classification Information (Facility); and
- Project Library.
Document Information including:
- Title (Description); *
- Supplementary Title; *
- Classification;
- Paper Size; *
- Unique Identifier (Number) including:
- Project (Client Project Number);
- Originator; *
- Zone;
- Level or Location;
- File Type; *
- Discipline
- Index / System (Classification)*; and
- Number.
Versioning information including:
- Revision; *
- Revision identifier;
- Revision date; *
- Revision description;
- Versions (WIP / Optioneering);
- Status code; *
- Purpose of issue;
- Checker (Author); *
- Reviewer;
- Approve; * and
- Model Reference information.
Note * refers to ISO 7200:2004 Data field requirements.
Similar requirements should be extended to Model File Splash screens.