Even the acronym BIM has at least 3 different interpretations which can be identified as:

  • Building Information Model
  • Building Information Modelling
  • Building Information Management

Building Information Model

The building Information Model is created by using authoring tools to define the Graphical, Non Graphical and Documentation associated with a built asset. Unfortunately most of the industry are just using these tools to produce the same “paper” deliverables that have been delivered from the drawing board, then be CAD and now by BIM

Building Information Modelling

The act of modelling is dependent upon the deliverables required. Deliverables can be traditional drawings as PDFs; proprietary file formats from the authoring tools; but can also include visualisation, 4D (Timelining), 5D (Costs), clash detection, health and safety as well as operations and facilities requirements as structured data delivered through IFC or COBie etc…

The method of modelling in order to achieve this different deliverable could be completely different and the deliverables must be defined at the beginning of a project or significant cost could be required in order to make the appropriate changes to the model to facilitate the delivery

Building Information Management

The requirements of BIM Level 2 are based upon Information Management. In order to facilitate this you must create a building information model and understand your building information modelling requirements based upon the deliverables. The basis of information modelling is to establish the Who, What and How.