COBie IFC Terminology
The information provided here reflects the compilation of the terms and definitions found in NBIMS-US™ V2 for the COBie 2.4 version.
Understanding COBie and IFC terminology is crucial to the delivery of Building Information Models and this extensive work has been undertaken by NBIMS-US and provided here for industry use with a search capability. The terminology includes COBie definitions which identify the Tables and Columns which make up the schema.
actor | person, an organization, or person acting on behalf of an organization. A specialization of the general term object. See COBie contact. |
AEC | architecture, engineering, and construction |
attribute | unit of information within an entity, defined by a particular type or reference to a particular entity. There are three kinds of attributes: direct attributes, inverse attributes and derived attributes. See COBie attribute. |
Attribute (COBie) | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Attribute records identify external files that provide information associated with data in a given COBie deliverable. Attribute.Name, Attribute.SheetName, Attribute.RowName, Attribute.Category comprises the compound key for this worksheet. |
Attribute.AllowedValues | a comma delimited list of one or more allowed values. |
Attribute.Category | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “As Built”, “Submitted”, “Approved”, “Exact Requirement”, “Maximum Requirement”, “Minimum Requirement”, and “Requirement”. |
Attribute.Description | a general text description of the attribute. |
Attribute.Name | the name of the attribute. |
Attribute.Row Name | a foreign key identifying the row in the associated Attribute.SheetName. |
Attribute.SheetName | specifies references in in this row as pertaining to COBie data in any other COBie worksheet. |
Attribute.Unit | the unit defining the value of the attribute. |
Attribute.Value | the value of the attribute. |
BAMie | building automation management information exchange format |
BIM | building information modelling |
bSa | buildingSMART alliance® |
bSi | buildingSMART International |
building | a building represents a structure that provides shelter for its occupants or contents and stands in one place. The building is also used to provide a basic element within the spatial structure hierarchy for the components of a building project (together with site, story, and space). See COBie facility. |
building story | The building story has an elevation and typically represents a (nearly) horizontal aggregation of spaces that are vertically bound. See COBie floor. |
COBie | construction-operations building information exchange format |
COBieLite | NIEM compliant COBie XML schema, files conforming to that schema |
Component | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Components are the individual instances of the products identified by Type. Component.Name is the primary key for this table. |
Component.AssetIdentifier | an alternative identifier for the specific component to be used as defined by associated contract. |
Component.BarCode | the bar code found on the installed product name plate. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Component.Description | a general text description of the component. |
Component.InstallationDate | the date on which the product or equipment was placed in its final location. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Component.Name | the Component.Name must match the value found on design drawing schedules at the equivalent project stage of the current deliverable. For equipment scheduled by Type (and not Component) naming requirements to ensure unique names for every component shall be specified by contract. |
Component.SerialNumber | the serial number of the installed equipment. Component.SerialNumber must match the value found on installed equipment nameplates. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Component.Space | a foreign key identifying the COBie.Space.Name. For components not contained in a single space, the value shall refer to the space from which the equipment is most likely to be maintained. |
Component.TagNumber | if a tag is required to be affixed to the product or equipment during construction, this value is the designation for this product or equipment found on the associated tag. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Component.TypeName | a foreign key identifying the COBie.Type.Name. |
Component.WarrantyStartDate | the date on which the product or equipment was first powered. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
constraints on attributes | data type restricting the values of attributes. The most general constraint is about the existence of attribute values. There are basically two types: mandatory and optional attributes. Values of mandatory attributes must be provided whereas values of optional attributes may be omitted. For aggregation data types such as Set, List, or Array, the existence constraint is often refined by a minimal and maximal number of elements, which is also known as cardinality. |
contact | A worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Each row in the Contact worksheet identifies a person or company referenced elsewhere in a COBie spreadsheet. Contact.Email is the primary key for this worksheet. |
Contact.Category | the category of business in which the specific Contact is engaged. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default value for this information is the current OmniClass Table |
Contact.Company | the name of the company for the Contact. |
Contact.Country | the country for the Contact. |
Contact.Department | the name of the department for the Contact. |
Contact.Email | A well-formed email address used to identify this specific Contact. |
Contact.FamilyName | the Contact is a person, the family name of the Contact |
Contact.GivenName | if the Contact is a person, the given name of the Contact |
Contact.OrganizationCode | the organizational code for the Contact. |
Contact.Phone | the telephone number for the Contact. |
Contact.PostalBox | the postal box address for the Contact. |
Contact.PostalCode | the zip, or postal code, address for the Contact. |
Contact.StateRegion | the state or regional address for the Contact. |
Contact.Street | the street address for the Contact. |
Contact.Town | the city or town address for the Contact. |
Coordinate | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Coordinate records identify simple geometric information associated with data in a given COBie deliverable. Coordinate.Name is the primary key for this worksheet. |
Coordinate.Category | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “point”, “lineendone”, “lineend-two”, “box-lowerleft”, and “box-upperright”. |
Coordinate.ClockwiseRotation | rotation of the referenced object around the identified point, if applicable. |
Coordinate.CoordinateXAxis | relative coordinate of the referenced object. |
Coordinate.CoordinateYAxis | relative coordinate of the referenced object. |
Coordinate.CoordinateZAxis | relative coordinate of the referenced object. |
Coordinate.ElevationalRotation | rotation of the referenced object around the identified point, if applicable. |
Coordinate.Name | the name of the coordinate. |
Coordinate.RowName | a foreign key identifying a specific row in the Coordinate.SheetName. |
Coordinate.SheetName | specifies references in in this row as pertaining to COBie data in a COBie.Facility, COBie.Floor, COBie.Space, COBie.Type or COBie.Coordinate worksheet. |
Coordinate.YawRotation – | rotation of the referenced object around the identified point, if applicable. |
CreatedBy | the contact email of the person or company creating or updating a row of COBie data. |
CreatedOn | the date on which the information provided in a row of COBie data was created or updated by the person or company identified in the created by field. |
derived attribute | unit of information computed from other attributes using an expression defined in the schema. |
direct attribute | scalar values or collections including Set (unordered, unique), List (ordered), or Array (ordered, sparse) as defined in [ISO 10303-11] Similar to the term "field" in common programming languages. |
Document.ApprovalBy | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Owner Approval”, “Contractor Certified”, and “Information Only”/ |
Document.Category | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Preconstruction Submittals”, “Shop Drawings”, “Product Data”, “Samples”, “Design Data”, “Test Reports”, “Certificates”, “Manufacturer Instructions”, “Manufacturer Field Reports”, “Operation and Maintenance”, “Closeout Submittals”, “Contract Drawings”, “Design Review Comment”, “Specifications”, “Request for Information”, “Client Requirements”, “Contract Specifications”, “Contract Drawings”, “Requests for Information”, “Contract Modifications”, and “Punch List Items”. |
Document.Description | a general text description of the description. |
Document.Directory | the path name to the file. If COBie is delivered on a portable media the directory should be the relative path name from the COBie file to the referenced document. If the COBie file references documents that are available on the World Wide Web, the complete path name to the document including the internet protocol used shall be included. In all cases the document directory should include the trailing “/” of all path names. |
Document.File | the name of the file, with file extension, that contains the associated information. |
Document.Reference | if different from the Document.Directory/Document.File this is a reference to documents provided from manufacturers’ catalogs or websites |
Document.RowName | a foreign key identifying the row in the associated Document.SheetName. |
Document.SheetName | specifies references in in this row as pertaining to COBie data in any other COBie worksheet. |
Document.Stage | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “As Built”, “Submitted”, “Approved”, “Exact Requirement”, “Maximum Requirement”, “Minimum Requirement”, and “Requirement”. |
element | tangible physical product that can be described by its shape representation, material representations, and other properties. A specialization of the general term product. See COBie.Component. |
element occurrence | element's position within the project coordinate system and its containment within the spatial structure. |
entity | class of information defined by common attributes and constraints as defined in [ISO 10303-11]. Similar to the term "class" in common programming languages but describing data structure only (not behavior such as methods). |
enumeration | construct that allows an attribute value to be one of multiple predefined values identified by name. Similar to the "Enumeration" construct as defined in [ISO 10303-11]. Similar in concept to "enum" in common programming languages. |
external reference | link to information outside the data set, with direct relevance to the specific information the link originates from inside the data set. |
ExternalIdentifier | the unique identifier of the identified external object that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named external system. |
ExternalObject | the name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values for external object are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data. |
ExternalSystem | the name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data. |
Facililty | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. There may only be one row in the facility worksheet. Projects composed of multiple facilities, shall be described by separate COBie spreadsheets. Facility.Name is the primary key for this worksheet. |
Facility.AreaMeasurement | the associated measurement method used to calculate spatial are measurement applied to all COBie information other than that found in the Attribute worksheet. |
Facility.AreaUnits | the associated unit of measurement applied to all COBie information other than that found in the Attribute and Impact worksheets. |
Facility.Category | the category of facility described by the COBie data set. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default value for this information is the current OmniClass Table 11. |
Facility.CurrencyUnit | the associated unit of measurement applied to all COBie information other than that found in the Attribute and Impact worksheets. |
Facility.Description | a general text description of the facility. |
Facility.ExternalFacilityIdentifier | for information originating in IFC models this information is an additional object identifier, allowing information about this Facility to be referenced back to the computer software that initially generated that information. |
Facility.ExternalFacilityObject | for information originating in IFC models this information is an additional object identifier, allowing information about this Facility to be referenced back to the computer software that initially generated that information. |
Facility.ExternalSiteIdentifier | for information originating in IFC models this information is an additional object identifier, allowing information about this Facility to be referenced back to the computer software that initially generated that information. |
Facility.ExternalSiteObject | for information originating in IFC models this information is an additional object identifier, allowing information about this Facility to be referenced back to the computer software that initially generated that information. |
Facility.LinearUnits | the associated unit of measurement applied to all COBie information other than that found in the Attribute and Impact worksheets. |
Facility.Name | the name of the Facility as it appears on design drawings, or as otherwise specified by contract. |
Facility.Phase | the designation of the phase of the project reflected in a given COBie data set. |
Facility.ProjectDescription | a general text description of the project. |
Facility.ProjectName | the name of the Project as it appears on design drawings, or as otherwise specified by contract. |
Facility.SiteDescription | a general text description of the site. |
Facility.SiteName | the name of the Site as it appears on design drawings, or as otherwise specified by contract. |
Facility.VolumeUnits | the associated unit of measurement applied to all COBie information other than that found in the Attribute and Impact worksheets. |
feature | parametric information and additional property information modifying the shape representation of an element to which it applies. |
Floor | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Floors are the vertical levels of a vertical facility. Geographic areas, such as a facility’s site, may also be identified on the floor worksheet. Floor.Name is the primary key for this worksheet. |
Floor.Category | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Floor”, “Roof”, and “Site”. |
Floor.Description | a general text description of the floor. |
Floor.Elevation | elevation at the top of the floor structure. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default value is measured as a relative value compared to the facilities datum. |
Floor.Height | distance between top of floor structure to bottom of structure above. Typically applicable to rows having the Floor.Category of “Floor”. |
Floor.Name | the name of the floor as it appears on other contract documents, such as design drawings. |
FM | facility management |
Group | collection of information that fulfils a specified purpose. A specialization of the general term object. See COBie.Zone & COBie.System. |
GUID | globally unique identifier |
HVACie | heating, ventilating, and air conditioning information exchange format |
identification | capability to find, retrieves, report, change, or delete specific instances without ambiguity. |
IFC | industry foundation classes |
ifcXML | an XML schema for IFC Step files based on STEP XML transformation rules |
IFD | international framework for dictionaries |
instance | occurrence of an entity. Similar to the term "instance of a class" in object oriented programming. |
inverse attribute | unit of information defining queries for obtaining related data and enforcing referential integrity. Similar to the term "navigation property" in entity-relational programming frameworks. |
Issue | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Issue records identify allow the exchange of business process and exception reporting information related to other parts of a given COBie deliverable. Issue.Name, Issue.SheetName, Issue.RowName comprise the compound key for this worksheet. |
Issue.Chance | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Has Occurred”, “High”, “Moderate”, “Low”, and “Unknown”. |
Issue.Description | a general text description of the issue. |
Issue.Impact | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Very High”, “High”, “Moderate”, “Low”, and “Unknown”. |
Issue.Mitigation | a general text description of the mitigation. |
Issue.Name | the name of the coordinate. |
Issue.Owner | a foreign key identifying the COBie.Contact. |
Issue.Risk | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Very High”, “High”, “Moderate”, “Low”, and “Unknown”. |
Issue.RowName1 | a foreign key identifying a specific row in the Issue. SheetName1. |
Issue.RowName2 | a foreign key identifying a specific row in the Issue. SheetName2. |
Issue.SheetName1 | specifies references in in this row as pertaining to COBie data in any other COBie worksheet. |
Issue.SheetName2 | specifies references in in this row as pertaining to COBie data in any other COBie worksheet. |
Issue.Type | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Change”, “Claim”, “Coordination”, “Environmental”, “Function”, “IndoorAirQuality”, “Installation”, “RFI”, “Safety”, and “Specification”. |
LCie | life-cycle information exchange format |
library | catalogue, database or holder of data, that is relevant to information in the data set. It is information referenced from an external source that is not copied into the data set. |
MVD | model view definition |
NBIMS-US™ | National BIM Standard-United States® |
NIBS | National Institute of Building Sciences |
NIEM | national information exchange model |
object | anything perceivable or conceivable that has a distinct existence, albeit not material. |
object occurrence | characteristics of an object as an individual. Similar to "object", "instance", "individual," “component” in other publications. |
object types | common characteristics shared by multiple object-occurrences. Similar to "class", "template", and “type" in other publications. |
process | object-occurrence located in time, indicating "when". See COBie job. |
process occurrence | conceptual object that may occur at a particular time. |
process type | common characteristics shared by multiple process occurrences. |
product | physical or conceptual object that occurs in space. It is specialization of the general term object. See COBie.Component. |
product occurrence | physical or conceptual object that may have a location in space and shape characteristics. |
product type | common characteristics shared by multiple product occurrences. See COBie.Type. |
project | encapsulation of related information for a particular purpose providing context for information contained within. Context information may include default measurement units or representation context and precision. |
property | unit of information that is dynamically defined as a particular entity instance. Similar to "late-bound" or "run-time" in programming terminology. See COBie.Attribute. |
property occurrence | unit of information providing a value for a property identified by name. |
property set occurrence | unit of information containing a set of property occurrences, each having a unique name within the property set. |
property set template | set of property templates serving a common purpose and having applicability to objects of a particular entity. Similar in concept to "extension class" in common programming languages. |
property template | metadata for a property including name, description, and data type. Similar in concept to "extension property" in common programming languages. |
proxy | object that does not hold a specific object type information. A specialization of object occurrence. |
quantity | measurement of a scope-based metric, specifically length, area, volume, weight, count, or time. |
quantity occurrence | unit of information providing a value for a quantity. |
quantity set | unit of information containing a set of quantity occurrences, each having a unique name within the quantity set. |
relationship | unit of information describing an interaction between items. |
representation | unit of information describing how an object is displayed, such as physical shape or topology. |
resource | entity with limited availability such as materials, labor, or equipment. A specialization of the general term object. The "resource definition data schemas" section is unrelated to this concept. See COBie resource. |
resource occurrence | entity with inherent financial cost, which may be passed onto processes, products, and controls to which it is assigned. |
resource type | common characteristics shared by multiple resource occurrences. |
select | construct that allows an attribute value to be one of multiple types or entities. Similar to the "Select" construct as defined in [ISO 10303-11]. Similar to a "marker interface" in common programming languages. |
space | area or volume bounded actually or theoretically. See COBie space. |
Space | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Spaces are the horizontal decomposition of floors into areas which have common functional purpose and user. Vertically, spaces run from top of floor to bottom of slab above. Occupied space runs to bottom of the ceiling as expressed by Space.UsableHeight. Large Spaces which have more than a single functional purpose or user may be separated into individual spaces. Spaces may also be used on floors of type “Roof” or “Site” to identify spatial regions outside a facility enclosure. Space.Name is the primary key for this worksheet. |
Space.Category | the category of space described by the COBie data set. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default value for this information is the current OmniClass Table 13. |
Space.Description | the description of the space found on design drawings at the equivalent project stage of the current deliverable. |
Space.FloorName | a foreign key identifying the COBie.Floor.Name. |
Space.GrossArea | total space area as specified in the design contract and calculated by the identified Facility.AreaMeasurement. |
Space.Name | the Space.Name must match the value found on design drawings at the equivalent project stage of the current deliverable. |
Space.NetArea | usable space areas as specified in the design contract and calculated by the identified Facility.AreaMeasurement |
Space.RoomTag | signage provided for each space. Signage applied to doors, if different, is identified as Attribute records related to each applicable door. The information here is equivalent to that found in construction signage submittals. |
Space.UsableHeight | distance from top of finished floor to bottom of ceiling. If there is no ceiling then this value must match Floor.Height. |
Sparkie | electrical system information exchange format |
Specific COBie spreadsheet terms and definitions | The following terms and definitions are provided in the order that the COBie worksheets are presented in the COBie spreadsheet form. Common author and Originating system information, described above, are excluded. |
SPF | STEP physical file |
SpreadsheetML | an XML schema for Microsoft Excel spreadsheet 2003 |
STEP | standard for the exchange of product data |
system | organized combination of related parts within an AEC product, composed for a common purpose or function or to provide a service. System is essentially a functionally related aggregation of products. See COBie system. |
transaction | a discrete exchange of specific a defined subset of a larger information exchange specification. |
type | basic information construct derived from a primitive, an enumeration, or a select of entities. Similar to the "Type" construct as defined in [ISO 10303-11]. Similar in concept to "typedef" or "value type" in common programming languages. See COBie type. |
Type | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Types are the different products and equipment to be installed in the facility. Type.Name is the primary key for this worksheet. |
Type. NominalWidth | an approximate measure of the bounding box surrounding the product type. |
Type.AccessibilityPerformance | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Asset | type A classification of the asset within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Fixed” and “Movable”. |
Type.Category Type | the category of type described by the COBie data set. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default value for this information is the current OmniClass Table 23. |
Type.CodePerformance | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Color | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Constituents | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Description | a general text description of the type. If description is present on desging drawings schedules, this value must match. |
Type.DurationUnit | the identification of the unit of measure associated with value found in Type.ExpectedLife. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “month” and “year”. |
Type.ExpectedLife | during handover phase: the expected service life of the product type given the level of service within the facility. During planning, design, and construction phase: left blank unless conducting total cost of ownership studies. |
Type.Features | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Finish | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Grade | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Manufacturer | during construction and handover phase: the Contact.Email of the installed product. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Type.Material | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.ModelNumber | during construction and handover phase: the manufacture’s model number of the installed product. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Type.ModelReference | during construction and handover phase: the manufacturer’s catalog or reference resource, such as website, where information abut the installed product type may be found. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Type.Name | the Type.Name must match the value found on design drawing schedules at the equivalent project stage of the current deliverable. |
Type.NominalHeight | an approximate measure of the bounding box surrounding the product type. |
Type.NominalLength | an approximate measure of the bounding box surrounding the product type. |
Type.ReplacementCost | during construction and handover phase: The manufacture’s suggested retail price for this type. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Type.Shape | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Size | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.SustainabilityPerformance | during planning and design phase: specific constraints that should be/have been considered during the specification process. During construction and handover phase: the text description of associated information found on a product manufacturers product data sheet. |
Type.Warranty | description a general text description of the warranty. |
Type.WarrantyDurationLabor | during construction and handover phase: the length of the warranty period for labor repairs provided by the product manufacturer. Typically the same as Type.WarrantyDurationParts. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Type.WarrantyDurationParts | during construction and handover phase: the length of the warranty period for replacement parts provided by the product manufacturer. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Type.WarrantyDurationUnit | the identification of the unit of measure associated with values found in Type.WarrantyDurationParts and Type.WarrantyDurationLabor. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “month” and “year”. |
Type.WarrantyGuarantorLabor | during construction and handover phase: the Contact.Email of the party, or parties, responsible for labour costs during the warranty period. Typically the same as Type.WarrantyGuarantorParts. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
Type.WarrantyGuarantorParts | during construction and handover phase: the Contact.Email of the party, or parties, responsible for replacement parts during the warranty period. During planning and design phase: not applicable. |
URI | uniform resource identifier |
US | United States of America |
UUID | universally unique identifier |
WSie | water system information exchange format |
zone | a zone is a group of spaces, partial spaces or other zones. See COBie zone. |
Zone | a worksheet in the COBie spreadsheet. Zones are aggregations of spaces that provide some common purpose. Zone.Name, Zone.Category, and Zone.SpaceName provide the compound key for this worksheet. |
Zone.Category | a classification of the type of information contained within one row. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are: “Circulation Zone”, “Lighting Zone”, “Fire Alarm Zone”, “Historical Preservation Zone”, “Occupancy Zone”, and “Ventilation Zone”. |
Zone.Description | a general text description of the zone. |
Zone.Name | the name of the specific function performed by a group of spaces within a given |
Zone.SpaceNames | a foreign key identifying the COBie.Space.Name. The plural designation of “SpaceNames” indicating use of a delimited list of Space.Name values is depreciated in COBie version 2.4. |